Circle The State With Song:
Sponsor: Mr. Aubrey
Meet: Mondays 3:05 - 4:00
To qualify for CTSWS, a student must have auditioned for Honor Choir and they must have excellent work ethic. CTSWS is a regional choir, made up of 4th-8th graders primarily throughout Canadian County. Students in CTSWS will rehearse every Monday afternoon starting late October until the performance in February. CTSWS members must be self-starters with a fair amount of discipline, as they will be expected to spend time learning their specific parts of music on their own. This choir will perform on Friday, February 23rd, 2024.
Honor Choir:
Sponsor: Mr. Aubrey
Meet: Tuesday/Thursday 3:05 - 4:00
Honor Choir is an auditioned choir made up of 45-50 5th and 6th grade students. Honor Choir rehearses two days a week after school throughout the year, and will perform at least one time per semester, with a plan to compete at the Mustang Choral Festival in May at the Mustang Performing Arts Center.
Horizon XC:
Sponsor: Mrs. McElroy
Meet: Tuesdays 7:00 - 7:35 am
Horizon XC Club is a running program committed to inspiring children to unlock their potential and achieve personal goals through the discipline of running. Our desire is to help kids develop a lifetime love for running and a healthy lifestyle. Our goal is to meet weekly to build running endurance, and for our runners to leave the program as healthy, happy, and confident runners. Remind - @horizonxc
Archery Team:
Sponsors: Mrs. McElroy & Mr. Rinehart
We will once again take our top archers to form a competition team. They will compete against other teams in the Mustang district. The fee/dues for this club is $20, which includes a club t-shirt. These fees will go towards the purchase, maintenance and use of equipment. Tryouts after fall break. (PE students will tryout during class and all others will come into tryout).
Jump Force:
Sponsor: Mrs. McElroy
Wednesdays 7:00 - 7:35 am
Jump Force is Horizon's performance jump rope team. Tryouts happen in late September (exact date TBA, but it will be a Wednesday morning before school). Our practices are held Wednesday mornings at 7am in the small gym. Students who make the team are expected to perform at activities outside of school hours (the community Christmas tree lighting, basketball games, and more). Jump Force season runs from September through January (sometimes early February).
Academic Team:
Sponsor: Ms. Clayton and Mrs. Baxter
Mondays @ 3:15 - 4:30
Academic team is chosen based on tryouts, grades, and teacher feedback. Students meet weekly to practice and attend competitions a few times a year at other schools. They study material and answer questions on topics such as history, literature, science, math, pop culture, and current events. Students benefit from exposure to a broad range of school and cultural subjects, memorization and study skills, and an improved ability to cooperate and work in teams. Each competition features multiple rounds of two teams consisting of four players each. A moderator reads questions to the teams and students buzz in with their answers. Correct answers earn the team points and the opportunity to earn points from a bonus question. At the end of each competition, the top teams are awarded plaques. The teams with the highest scores can advance to upper level competitions. The team is open to both 5th and 6th graders, with tryouts occurring around the middle of September each year. Contact the Academic Team coach, Sara Clayton, with any questions or concerns.
Art Club:
Sponsor: Ms. Woodward
Mondays @ 3:15 - 4:25
Art Club is for any student that loves are and wants to participate in creative activities outside of the classroom. We will be creating personal work, creating collaborative artwork for the school, and engaging in service projects that will highlight Horizon's artistic talents. 25 students will be chosen per semester and each session meets six Mondays.
First Lego League Robotics:
Sponsors: Mrs. Buel, Mrs. Baxter, Mrs. Hood and Mrs. Chamberlain
Tuesdays and Thursdays @ 3:15 - 4:30.
Mustang Horizon Intermediate Competitive Robotics Team meets after school every Tuesday and Thursday until 4:30pm. Students work collaboratively on teams to use and apply the FIRST Core Values and engineering design process to develop robot and Innovation Project solutions. Students will:
- Identify and research a problem related to ENERGY and then design and create an Innovation Project solution.
- Identify a mission strategy and design, create, and code a robot to complete missions.
- Test, iterate, and improve their Robot Design and Innovation Project.
- Communicate their Robot Design and Innovation Project and demonstrate their robot in the Robot Game.